Many of us seem to define the word success as synonymous
with security. Can a big organization risk turning their company over to people like that? If you're a big boss, I believe you definitely not allows.
“The thing I can’t understand is why should young people
these days be so ultraconservative, so narrow in their view of the future?
Every day there are more signs of expanding opportunity. This country is making
record progress in scientific and industrial development. Our population is
gaining rapidly. If there ever was a time to be bullish about America, it’s now.”
The tendency for so many people to think small means there is much less competition than you think for a very rewarding career.
Where success is concerned, people are not measured in inches or pounds or college degrees, or family background; they are measured by the size of their thinking. How big we think determines the size of our accomplishments. Now let’s see how we can enlarge our thinking.
Ever ask yourself, “What is my greatest weakness?” Probably the
greatest human weakness is self-deprecation- that is, selling oneself short.
Self- deprecation shows through in countless ways. For instance, John sees a job
advertisement in the paper; it’s exactly what he would like. But he does
nothing about it because he thinks, “I’m not good enough for that job, so why
bother?” Or Kenny wants a date with Joel, but he doesn’t call her because he
thinks he wouldn’t rate with her. Peter is filling out a job application form.
One question asks, “What beginning salary do you expect?” Peter puts down a
modest figure because he feels he really isn’t worth the bigger sum that he
would like to earn. (These are a great examples as you and I always did it.)
Philosophers for thousands of years have issued good advice:
KNOW THYSELF. But most people, it seems, interpret this suggestion to mean know
only thy negative self. Most self- evaluation consists of making long mental
lists of one’s faults, shortcoming, and inadequacies. It’s well to know our inabilities, for this shows us areas in which we can
improve. But is we know only our negative characteristics, we’re in a mess. Our
value is small.
[There is only one conclusion you can honestly reach: You’re bigger than you think. So fit your thinking to your true size. Think as big as you really are! Never, never, never sell yourself short!]
The important measure of a person’s vocabulary is not the
size or the number of words he uses. Rather, the thing that counts, the only
thing that counts about one’s vocabulary, is the effect his words or phrases
have on his own and others’ thinking.
Look at it this way. When you speak or write, you are, in a sense, a projector showing movies in the minds of others. And the pictures you create determine how you and others react.
Suppose you tell a group of people, “I’m sorry to report we’ve
failed.” What do these people see? They see defeat and all the disappointment
and grief the word “failed” conveys. Now suppose you said instead, “Here’s a
new approach that I think will work.” They would feel encouraged, ready to try
Suppose you say, “We face a problem.” You have created a picture in the minds of others of something difficult, unpleasant to solve. Instead say, “We face a challenge,” and you create a mind picture of fun, sport, something pleasant to do. Or tell a group, “We incurred a big expense,” and people see money spent that will never return. Indeed, this is unpleasant. Instead say, “We made a big investment,” and people see a picture of something that will return profits later on, a very pleasant sight.
The point is this: Big thinkers are specialists in creating positive, forward- looking, and optimistic pictures in their own minds and in the minds of others. To think big, we must use words or phrases that produce big, positive mental images.
Phases that creates small, negative mind images:
- It’s no use, we’re whipped.
- I was in that business once and failed. Never again.
- I’ve tried but the product won’t sell. People don’t want it.
- The market is saturated. Imagine, 75% of the potential has already been sold. Better get out.
- Their orders have been small. Cut them off.
- The competition has all the advantage. How do you expect me to sell against them?
- I am too young (old) for the job.
- It won’t work, let me prove it. The image; dark, gloom, disappointment, grief, failure.
- Let’s wait until a recession comes along, then buy stocks.
- Nobody will ever want that product.
Phases that create big, positive mind images:
- We’re not whipped yet. Let’s keep trying. Here’s a new angle.
- I went broke but it was my own fault. I’m going to try again.
- So far I’ve not been able to sell this product. But I know it is good and I’m going to find the formula that will put it over.
- Imagine, 25% of the market is still not sold. Count me in. This looks big!
- Their orders have been small. Let’s map out a plan for selling them more of their needs.
- Competition is strong. There’s no denying that, but no one ever has all the advantages. Let’s put our heads together and figure out a way to beat them at their own game.
- Being young (old) is a distinct advantage.
- It will work, let me prove it. The image: bright, hope, success, fun, victory.
- Let’s invest now. Bet on prosperity, not depression.
- In its present form, it may not be salable, but let’s consider some modifications.