Sunday, October 21, 2007

Pirates of the Carribean IV (Davy Jones' Acne Problem)

Angelina is one of the off shore gangsters working for Davy Jones. Davy Jones believes that with every kiss from gorgeous Aliens, one of his Acnes on his tentacle will be removed. Therefore, Davy Jones commanded Angelina to capture the Aliens.
She searched in many planets. Finally, she arriving in Planet FUYOH which most Goergeous Miens. She captured them and placed them in her submarine. As she prepared to return back, she fell in love with one of the gorgeous Aliens, Jack Sparrow. She then arrogantly demanded Jack to kiss her lovingly. He declined, so she blackmailed him saying that if he did not kiss her, she will feed him cracker. Feeling scare, he kissed her immediately. She smiled sheepishly, feeling "Wow"! That was fantastic!!! "Suddenly one of her crew members screamed, "Madam! Your lips are turning black!!!" She slowly realized that she was turning into one of the Aliens as well. She ran away. Never to be seen again. In the end, the Aliens escaped, and Davy Jones never got to cure his ache problem.
FUYOH group members
(Penang Camp)25 Sept 2007
Do you like it? Hope that "Pirates of the Carribean IV (Davy Jones' Acne Problem)" will be coming...haha!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Truly Happiness

Are you happy with whom, what, or where you are today? Are you having fun? Are you enjoying your career? Are you excited about your future? Are you living your life to the fullest? If the answer is no, then I ask “Why not?”

      Most of us are searching for something, or sometimes, in the future when we will finally be happy. We tell ourselves that if we can only get to “that place,” then our lives will be perfect. What we miss when we go through life with this perspective is the joy of today and all the wonderful things that it brings.
      So what will it take for you to be happy? Will it be a bigger house, a new car, getting married, getting divorced, becoming pregnant, getting a new job, moving to a new home, etc.? when will you stop running and enjoy what you have today? The search for happiness is internal and impossible to obtain from outside things. Sure, they may make you smile initially, but the emptiness will not go away. So, how can you be happy today?
      If you don’t think that you deserve to be happy, then no wonder you are not. The messages you give yourself determine what direction your life will take. If you are telling yourself that you are unworthy or don’t deserve happiness, then how can you expect to be happy? Being happy today is accepting who you are; the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s knowing that you are doing the best you can do, and being content with that. I’m not saying to ignore what you’d like to improve in your life, but if you only see what’s missing, you lose out on “loving” what’s great about you.
      Being happy today means being comfortable where you are in the present, not where you would like to be in the future. It’s about being in awe of the opportunity to learn something new each day. You don’t know what your life will bring tomorrow, so you might as well enjoy where you are today. It also means being grateful for your life, whether it’s being grateful for having good health, a job, a place to live, food every day, or a family that loves you. If you knew that you were going to die in 90 days, would you do things differently? Guess what? You are going to die one day, and you don’t know if you even have 90 days. Gratitude, not blame, will give you happiness and freedom.

      Being happy means not keeping your problem to yourself. It also means that you should ask for support when you need it, and let others contribute to your life. Most of us don’t ask for help because we don’t want to burden the people around us. But, if someone asked you for assistance, wouldn’t you lend a helping hand? Then why wouldn’t you let others do the same for you?
      Being happy today is doing something nice for someone else. This could be as simple as holding the door for the person behind you, or as big as volunteering your time to your favorites charity. Your problem become smaller when you are not always thinking about them. When you take the focus off yourself, it is easier to see how great your life really is.
      Being happy is taking steps that will move you forward. Movement keeps you from feeling like a victim. When you’re unhappy, formulating a plan puts you in a different place and helps change your perspective. It also puts the power back in your hand!
      So, what is it going to take to have you be happy today? How much more of your life do you want to live to wait for “someday” to bring you the happiness you crave? It’s up to you to create your own happiness. It’s up to you to create a life filled with joy rather than sorrow. Why not choose a life filled with happiness today?

(Source: Adapted from Top- 7- Step- To- Being- Truly- Happy by Deborah Brown )

After I read, I really feel warm and "Bingo" because I have learned something from here. And sometimes, happiness is just there in front of us, but sadly we cannot realize that and cannot see it! WHY? because we always looking for a difficult thing that hard to get it.

Sometimes, I do wonder isn't "things that hard to achieve is Diamond, and things that's easy to get is Rubbish"! or " Things that 's hard to get are treasure able, things that's easy to get go unnoticed"

Formula for success!

What makes 100%? What does it take to achieve 100% in life? Let’s do the math…

If A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z is represented as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15………………………………………………..


So, one can then conclude, with mathematical certainty, that while hardwork and knowledge will get you close to the top, it takes the right attitude to get you there.

When I believe I can, I can! and sure can one: ) if not belive, let have a try!

The Time Account

Say there is a bank that credits your account each morning with RM 86.400. Every evening, the bank deletes whatever remains of this sum that you have failed to use during the day. It does not carry over any balance from day to day.

What would you do if you had such an account?
Draw out every sen, every day, of course!

Well, each of us has such an account. Its name is TIME.
Every morning, Time credits you with 86.400 second. Every night it writes off, as lost, whatever you have failed to put to use. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft.
Each day, Time opens a new account for you. Each night, it burns whatever remains in the account. If you fail to use up all of the day’s deposits, you can’t keep them for tomorrow. Neither can you draw from what will be put in the next morning.

Time’s clock runs non- stop.
To realize the value of one year, ask a student who has failed a grade.
To realize the value of one month, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of one hour, ask two lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of the minute, ask a traveler who has just missed his train. To realize the value of one second, ask the motorist who has just avoided an accident.

To realize the value of the one millisecond, ask the athlete who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.
Treasure every moment that you have! And treasure it the more because you have shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with. And remember that time waits for no one.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.

Monday, October 15, 2007

爱- 鸿文杰

我,不知该写些什么, 说些什么。无论我多说一句或少说一句,这个世界都不会有所改变。时光不会倒流,人民数目不会多更不会少。 天空不会因我们的悲哀与欢乐而变化。河水不会因我们的痛苦或安宁而停止流动。地球更不会因我们的死亡出生而转得更快。一切随缘。你与他有缘必会相聚,你与他无缘必会分离。但,若你不踏出那第一步,你们哪来个开始呢?如果你不想踏那一步,你就不该再去多想什么。世界有千变万化的生物,不管人与人,动物与动物,人与动物,动物与人都是有感情的。别说生物,人与非生物都会留下一份感情。不管什么生物与非生物,都会有分开的一天,只看你是否愿意。 若你愿意你就把这份感情投开,或锁进你脑海里的最深处,得空可开来看一看。若你不愿意你就该开口对他说“请你留下!”。

每一个人在一起的时光只有短短几年或几十年,但也可能只有几天,几小时,几分钟, 几秒钟,但愿你能珍惜,但愿你能体会,但愿你能付出你自己最真诚的爱- - 友情,亲情,最起码你曾爱过!这些你都该珍惜!我爸爸,从小我都很怕他,不敢与他多讲几句话。但是每个父母都是关心儿/ 孩子的,(除了一些变态的!)。不过要看看“你”会不会体会,会不会去感觉父母对你的爱。我爸爸每天从早上6am 做工至晚上 9,10点才回家。这全是因为爸爸想赚更多的钱给我们,想让我们过得更幸福。有时,工作不顺利,爸爸偶而会发发脾气,可是他总是不会在我们面前发。他怕我们吓着。可是我仍然怕他,因为我不会体会。终于他离开了!我不希望荣华富贵,不希望什么,我只希望全家快乐,爸爸也可以死以复生。我情愿以我的生命来换取爸爸的生命,因为,我好爱我爸爸。我好希望能再看到爸爸,他的口哨声,他的脚步声,他的身影,他的笑容, 他的话,他的一切一切, 我好期待。 现在每当我拜神或拜佛,我都会许个愿“希望全家平安”我好怕再失去一个亲人,我一个也不要失去,所以现在我很珍惜我的一切,我的时光,今天不知明天事,可能我明天就不在,所以我不再任性,我不再变坏,我只想做个好人,只想做妈妈的乖儿子, 姐姐的乖弟弟,弟弟的好哥哥。你可以和我一样吗?别再与你妈妈吵了。和平的家庭就是你快乐的开始。幸福并非要有财有势有老公疼。有父母姐弟哥妹朋友疼,已是最幸福的事了。只愿你能满足,快乐地接受你任何遭遇吧!

人生 - 爱情

人生就像地下铁,希望人生起点是快乐,每一站寻找到幸福,到了终点 没有遗憾, 希望人生得精彩, 永远是温馨美满。



生命只有一次,今天很快就会成为明天的回忆。享受每时每刻无论是好是坏,因为生命的礼物就是生命本身。人生还有更多的考验,不必太过在于成就,最重要是吸取及享受过程中的精华。不放弃不逃避, 在困难中微笑,化悲愤为力量, 从省思及祈祷中变得更坚强,才是生命的赢家。


送你一颗感情的种子。 它会在你心中慢慢的发芽成长,让温情的气息围绕着你,从此幸福快乐。 把它送给你是为了让你开心,所以你永远 不准伤心只许快乐哦。

快乐不必寻找,只要静静感受,它就在你身边!幸福不用计算,只要懂得珍惜, 它就在你周围!我不需要出现,只要你心里有我这朋友,我就是你永远的朋友!

爱情是每个人学习旅程中最难懂的一课。每个人学习的时间都不同。 得到的知识也不一样。爱情这一课不能死背,只能靠感觉。有人害怕不及格以不敢尝试。有人自信满满却伤得很深。没有人能逃过这一课,否则你永远不会及格。爱情这一课没有教学课本。只能亲身体验。没有快递读法只能用一生慢慢地去惴摩。也许有人会问:“什麽时候才能知道自己是否及格?”。。。很遗憾!只能等你走完今世的哪一刻,才是考试放榜的时候!


An innocent smile makes the day bright! SMILE

Smile face really can bring you a nice day! Believe it or not?
If not, nothing wrong if we have a try because we are not need to pay, Am I right?

An innocent smile makes the day bright,
And an innocent thought makes the whole life peaceful
So with a smile start thinking bright and have a very good day ahead.
Keep Smiling…… because it bring us a healthy and beautiful life!

July 18 2007
I feel stress and bad because of stress and feel that too much of homeworks and something need to be done in the short time. AND don't know why suddenly "unhappy" becoming my best friend or so called "deep friend". At that time, I saw my friend Samuel, he sign- in in MSN. and I asking for gift from him.. then he ask..what gift I want? After 3 minutes, I know what I want...I want a gift called "smile"? then he say "Wah..really hard want to get it"...After 5 minutes, he get the gift and the gift makes by man!

"SMILE" ....Simple Minded In Living Everyday...he share with me about most of the time we make things complicated..that's why we worry and sad...and if we look from a different point of view, we wil be happy...from this point I got the anwser that I wanna find it before.
If we are happy, confidence will be in just "SMILE" because nothing wrong if we smile always. ahha: )

Just do what we need suppose to be done and no point if we just keeping worry and think too much. "If your friends always tell you that: "How ah, too much of thing need to be done and no time la " ? The anwser is "Just do la".haha: )Am I right?

Anyway, Thanks Sam

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Yang penuh dengan pelbagai pengalaman,
Yang penuh dengan jutaan rasa,
Pahit, manis, masin, pedas akan ditelan,
Buat santapan sepanjang usia.

Yang penuh indah bagai pelangi,
Yang penuh dengan pelbagai ranjau jeriji,
Jikalau tidak menempuhi cabaran,
Hidup tiada rasa kenikmatan,
Menjadi pengalaman untuk kedewasaan.

Ada permulaan dan ada perakhiran,
Ada kemudaan dan ada ketuaan,
Ada kelahiran dan ada kematian,
Ada kecerahan dan ada kegelapan,
Ada kejayaan dan ada kegagalan,
Ada kejernihan dan ada kekeruhan,
Ada pangkal dan ada hujungnya,
Segalanya adalah ketentuan Tuhan.

by Lai S F

Life is Luxury

Time goes by fast without waiting for anyone
The rain starts raining whenever it wants
The sun keeps on shinning every day
Days and nights never stop exchanging
Humans never stop to move forward
To find, to achieve and to get what they want in their life.

We feel happy when thing turn out as we wanted it to be
Laughter which fill the air with happiness
Which makes us see how beautiful the world is
When we are in the blues
It seems that the world had lost its beauty
Feeling that life is useless
Disappointment, anger….which bear in our heart
Turn into tears which makes us cry
Thinking that nobody will understand us

But my friend
The rain keeps on flowing
The sun keeps on shining
The time keeps on moving
Tik…tak…tik..tak…without waiting for anyone
Look around you
Flowers start to bloom again
Birds start to sing their lovely song
Everything is colourful and lively

Please wake up and stand with confidence
Look forward and never look back
Try your best to be the best
To achieve what you want in your life

To be a successful man in the future…one day

Always bear in mind
That tomorrow is a different day
So do not waste today
Make use of every single second of the day
As tomorrow might not come
Struggle hard when you’re still young
And make use of the best day
In order to achieve your ambitions
Once you’re at the top
You’ll never regret your life
Life is luxury

Christine Peter

The Gift of Life

Each of you has a gift. What kind of gift is it? It’s not a Christmas gift or a birthday gift. It’s not some special talent or skill. It’s a gift that could save a life- maybe more than one. If you decide to give it, you lose nothing.

Some people bury their gift. Others burn it. All but one of you who completed my questionnaire would gladly receive the gift, but only 20 percent of you have decided to give it. This gift is the donation of your vital organs when you die.


人生总有一段路特别难走, 抱怨没用,因为时间不会为你停留。 哭泣没用,因为他人不会替你承受。 若你后退,看你笑话的人挺多, 若你往前,才有机会证明自己, 生活没有一滴汗是白流的, 人没有一段路是白走的, 身在低谷,依然要仰望天空。 路过黑夜,依然要期待阳光, 万般皆苦,唯有自渡。...