Monday, June 15, 2009

UK, sunday life and Microwave 09

Actually this is the wonderful breadfast for me in the morning, donut is burn up...because that donut is really hard to i just sent to microwave lor..who know? I almost be fine 50 pound if the alarm ring...luckily is not..haha: )After that, my donut 38 pence became stone der...

I asked him to smile and i wanna take picture for him, and he just smile while he eating haha: )so cute la..haha: )

this is his brother...

This is FREE lunch from HopeCity Church, sure I got attended la...Free wor!

Ladies and gentlemen, brother and sister, for those who are worry about my UK life, I just want to said "Dont worry about me k" I'm fine here...u see my extra "Jung Foods" haha: )and I still got another space for my "FOODS" haha: )
I can take care my stomach very well der...haha: )

I just bought it as my "liang cha" nia..even the weather over here is cold, but inside our body is still hot.

This is my daily sandwitch, and after 3 months sure i can be expect in making breadfast der..haha: )


Carysse said...

wah lai lai.. you really enjoy life huh? I want to be your roommate can? So many Junk food, why you spell junge? haha....=D

Zoellai said...

haha:) in the begining I wanna write Jungle food der..haha; )
you already married der, can't be my roommate, however you can be my housemate again..haha: )


人生总有一段路特别难走, 抱怨没用,因为时间不会为你停留。 哭泣没用,因为他人不会替你承受。 若你后退,看你笑话的人挺多, 若你往前,才有机会证明自己, 生活没有一滴汗是白流的, 人没有一段路是白走的, 身在低谷,依然要仰望天空。 路过黑夜,依然要期待阳光, 万般皆苦,唯有自渡。...