Saturday, May 15, 2010

Holland- Netherland

6th Sept 2009- Holland, this is my dream wonderland since I still a child. I really do not know where Holland located actually. What I really hope is “I want to go Holland in one day”?Ahha:)

Sure you’ll ask me why? I’m also don’t really know. What can I said is first time I saw the Holland's Windmill picture from TV. Then, I promise myself, I want to meet windmill in Holland in one day. Finally, I reached Holland and I love Holland's Windmill so much.

Holland is a name in common usage given to a region in the western part of the Netherlands. And the term Holland is frequently used to refer to the whole of the Netherlands. Moreover, the language primarily spoken in Holland is Dutch. Hollanders sometimes refer to the Dutch language as “Hollands”, instead of the standard term Netherland. This is so called “Hollandic dialect”. Are you understood? Haha: )
Wooouu..finally, my dream come true. Happiness, I love you!
My geng from TAR College til Liverpool JMU. 123 jump!

What kind of feeling when you see this picture? For me, this is a good feeling and it let me cool down after I finished my work. "v"

Windmill Sunset

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人生总有一段路特别难走, 抱怨没用,因为时间不会为你停留。 哭泣没用,因为他人不会替你承受。 若你后退,看你笑话的人挺多, 若你往前,才有机会证明自己, 生活没有一滴汗是白流的, 人没有一段路是白走的, 身在低谷,依然要仰望天空。 路过黑夜,依然要期待阳光, 万般皆苦,唯有自渡。...