Monday, March 23, 2015

Your Daily Habit

Every morning, before you are assaulted by the morning news (that from newspaper, whatsapp, wechat or Internet news), close your eyes and imagine your day ahead. Visualize your day as perfect. See yourself happy, efficient, confident, loving, and healthy. See your day unfolding as you want. See yourself energetic and relaxed, laughing, enjoying your family and friends, comfortable with who you are, conquering challenges, always in the right place at the right time.

Make your own news!

Will your day be perfect? It will be much better that if you hadn't done it. And when you do the same exercise tomorrow and the next day and the next, your life will more and more closely reflect what you picture each morning. Make a list if what you want in your life and pin it on your wall. Review it before your morning visualization.

I know of no more powerful daily discipline than this. It is deceptively simple. The most useful disciplines always are. If there are five words that should be ingrained into the mind of every school child they are focus on what you want.

Sometime, we think that life can be hard. But Never quit! If you want something bad enough, no matter what the odds, you can do it. And I believe you can be a proud and happy man in one day. And that day is just "On the way" to your path; the path to success and victory.

Source: Matthews (2012) Happiness in Hard Time.

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人生总有一段路特别难走, 抱怨没用,因为时间不会为你停留。 哭泣没用,因为他人不会替你承受。 若你后退,看你笑话的人挺多, 若你往前,才有机会证明自己, 生活没有一滴汗是白流的, 人没有一段路是白走的, 身在低谷,依然要仰望天空。 路过黑夜,依然要期待阳光, 万般皆苦,唯有自渡。...