Monday, November 2, 2015


Breakthroughs is something that we don't look back if something was happened.Breakthroughs mostly happen in the most unlikely situation. It's life's way of reminding us to respect everyone we meet. It's also life's way of reminding us to keep an open mind. For instance, if you just lost your job, you don't look back. If you just left a relationship, you don't look back. You forget about blaming your boyfriend/ girlfriend. You forget about blaming yourself.

You hold in your mind what you want and WHERE YOU WANT TO GO.
Think about something You Want and You Move Toward It. Think about something You Don't Want and You Move Toward it. And your subconscious mind doesn't understand "No". It doesn't understand " I don't want!".

This explains why confidence is so critical. When you are confident, you have only POSITIVE pictures in your mind. When you are confident, you don't play disaster movies, you play success movies so you regularly succeed. You are not perfect, but you always give yourself the best possible chance.

Positive thinking works because positive thinkers have the habit of picturing what they want, not what they fear! What you think is what you get. 

You don't achieve great things by looking at what you are.
You only achieve great things by looking at what you want to be and then playing those movies in your mind.

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人生总有一段路特别难走, 抱怨没用,因为时间不会为你停留。 哭泣没用,因为他人不会替你承受。 若你后退,看你笑话的人挺多, 若你往前,才有机会证明自己, 生活没有一滴汗是白流的, 人没有一段路是白走的, 身在低谷,依然要仰望天空。 路过黑夜,依然要期待阳光, 万般皆苦,唯有自渡。...